Lee County Patriots Say Merry Christmas!
The Lee County Patriots’ monthly meeting will be held on Friday, December 10 at 6:15 PM at Fishers of Men Lutheran Church. All are invited to come celebrate the Christmas season and enjoy refreshments.
This month’s meeting will include an open forum to reflect on the events of the past year and to take a look ahead at how the recent election of conservative and tea party candidates to Congress in Washington, and our legislature in Tallahassee, will shape our state and country’s future. We will also discuss the responsibility and opportunity we, as citizens, have in shaping that future.
Fishers of Men Lutheran Church is located at 10360 Stringfellow Road on Pine Island, just south of the four way stop.
Lee County Patriots is a group of local citizens who believe it is important to preserve our country’s exceptionalism and our individual rights and freedoms. Meetings include informative presentations as well as lively discussions. If you are not able to attend meetings, please email to be included on our mailing list to receive our newsletters.
Contact: Kathy Jones, 239-283-2074
For more information, please visit www.LeeCountyPatriots.com, email info@leecountypatriots.comor phone 283-2074.